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  1. Stephanie Van Gorden
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    November 12, 2007
    Stephanie Van Gorden
    I posted an incomplete review previously; I see no way to edit it, so here is the completed one:The war of words is chiefly an inward one, Tripp says. Our war of words is not with other people; it is a battle within (p. 30). With characteristic frankness, a solid grasp of theology, and an engaging and thoroughly practical tone, he offers solutions that start with the fact that Words belong to God, but He has lent them to us so that we might know Him and be used by Him (15). He defines the problem this way: Word problems are always related to heart problemsAn idolatrous heart will producewords that serve the idol that grips us. We will not solve our problem with [ungodly] words until we humbly address the adultery and idolatry of our hearts (55, 59). The first step in overcoming idolatry is to look to God Himself, and Tripp does what he does best when he points us to our Redeemer: Our world of talk does not have to be a world of trouble for this one reliable reason: the Word has come (49).But beyond that, we grow in the context of the Body of Christ. Allowing God to redeem us for His purposes transforms how we look at our family in Christ, which transforms our communication with them. God is a God of redemption; we as His ambassadors must be people of redemption. No longer will our words leave a trail of discouragement, destruction, and division. Rather, they will be words of love, truth, grace, hope, faith, forgiveness, and peace, producing a harvest of righteousness (181-182).It took me an inordinate amount of time to read this book, not because its that long or that hard to read, but rather because its one of the best books I have read. With conviction that tempts me to turn away, God through His Word and the redemptive words of the author also brings comfort that draws me to Him. There is a war going on, but now Im equipped to fight with the Spirit, rather than against Him, by His grace and for His glory.
  2. Gail Sarkisian
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 7, 2007
    Gail Sarkisian
    This book really deals with communication better than any other book I have ever read. Even though it is not a book written especially for marriage it is very beneficial in the common problems that miscommunication in marriage bring. I recommend it to women to help improve their conversations with their husbands, and my husband recommends it for men, so that they can be better communicators with their wives. It deals with words that we use to hurt others and dishonor God and how we can change that. It helps us see the sin in ourselves and the changes we have to make to be more like Christ. It is a must read for every one, Christians and non-Christians. CONVICTING!! Great for men's and women's small groups.
  3. Judy Price
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 8, 2009
    Judy Price
    This is the best book I have ever read on communication. It makes you stop and think twice before using your words. I read it in a short time and am ready to read it again.
  4. Robyn Brown
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    February 6, 2003
    Robyn Brown
    Satan longs for our worship and just as Jesus wouldn't bow to him for even a moment, neither should we, in our hearts, in our actions, and in our words. This book is a classic on the spiritual battle that rages for the heart's devotion in every man,woman, and child who has ever lived. Learn how you are called to be God's ambassador, agents of restoration, moment by moment, day by day, in the hands of the great Restorer. "Winning the war of words means speaking redemptively . . . The purpose of human relationships is not human happiness. It is reconciling people to God and restoring them to the image of His Son." To the author, Paul David Tripp and his wife, my sincere thanks for restoring my hope when I felt there was no hope, and for giving me a vision of the purpose God has for my life.
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    March 23, 2001
    This is a great book, Im not done with it yet, but you take to heart instantly what is being said and can relate, wishing you couldn't. I think everybody should have to read this book, words are very powerful and you can't take them back. We need to all ponder how to answer, before we speak too soon. Great author, great book!
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